After Care Microblading

You should return for a touch-up treatment 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Please cancel appointments with at least 48 hours notice to avoid extra fees. Skin heals differently for everyone; some clients may notice patchiness or fading after the first treatment. Remember, the process consists of two parts, and the second Touch Up Treatment will finalize the procedure. After healing, you will see the finished result.

Eyebrow Microblading

Please read and follow all aftercare instructions on this page for your brow journey, particularly during the first 10 days. Proper care of your new brows will significantly impact the final healed result.

Care instructions

Avoid moisture, water, sweat, and sun exposure for ten days.

The best results for eyebrow microblading come from the "Do Nothing" or "Dry Healing" method. Keeping your brows extremely dry for 10 days can help retain detail, colour, and crisp strokes. It may sound challenging, but it can be achieved with mindfulness.


  • For the first 48 hours, use fragrance-free baby wipes 2-3 times to clean your eyebrows. If your eyebrows feel tight or dry, apply a very thin layer in one direction with the aftercare cream provided. Continue this routine for the next 10 days.
  • To protect your eyebrows while showering, avoid getting them wet by keeping your face out of the stream. Use clean, dry paper towels to pat them dry if they accidentally get moist. Keep showers short to prevent steam from damaging your brows. Consider using a shower cap to cover both your hair and eyebrows.
  • To ensure proper facial cleansing, avoid splashing water directly onto your face. Instead, use a damp paper towel or a fragrance-free baby wipe to gently clean around the eyebrows, keeping them dry.
  • Blotting paper can be used multiple times a day on normal skin and oily skin, and it can be applied to the brows and surrounding area for the first 10 days.
  • It is recommended to avoid applying any cosmetics to your brows for at least 10 days to prevent damaging the results. Patience is key.
  • To ensure optimal colour and detail retention, it is important to avoid heavy exercise or sweating for at least 10 days after the procedure.
  • After 10 days, you can wash your face and brows with a gentle face wash, like Cetaphil.


During the initial 10 days, please refrain from:

All creams are available except for the healing cream provided for you.

Apply foundation evenly to the eyebrow microblading area.

It is recommended to avoid workouts that result in excessive sweating.


Facial massage and steaming are common skincare techniques.

Please refrain from the following activities within the next 30 days:



Light therapies

Chemical peelings

Fruit acids


Creams that contain regeneration factors are effective for skincare.

Laser treatments such as Fraxel Laser and IPL can potentially destroy pigment and cause burns in the treated area.

Antibiotics and hormonal therapy

What to Expect​


  • After the procedure, the tattooed area may appear darker, bolder, and more defined for up to a week as it undergoes the initial healing process.
  • The skin may scab, flake, or peel during the healing process. It's important not to pick at it and let it come off naturally. Removing scabs prematurely can cause the pigment to come out as well.
  • The complete healing process of a tattoo usually takes about 4-6 weeks, during which time the true colour of the tattoo becomes evident. It is normal for the tattoo to soften and lighten during this time as the skin regenerates and naturally exfoliates. Patience is key, even if you feel like too much colour has been lost.


Healing Process


  • On the first day, there is fine detail with minimal to no redness.
  • Between days 2 and 4, the tattoo may darken and develop a protective layer or scab, which is a normal part of the healing process and is only temporary.
  • During days 5-12, the protective layer on your skin naturally exfoliates, peels, and flakes away as the healing process occurs underneath. The newly healed skin may appear white and have a waxy coating, giving the appearance of lighter brows. Patience is key during this time.
  • After 10 days, you can use brow makeup gently if necessary. The colour will gradually return as the new skin heals. Wait at least 4 weeks to see the true colour and strength. You can do a touch-up/adjustment after 6 weeks. The second appointment is to tighten the shape, fill in any light spots, and assess how your skin reacts to the process and colour.
  • This process involves two steps, and brows appear more polished after the second appointment.

Microblading Eyebrow

What NOT to do


  • It is recommended to avoid harsh soaps, shampoos, and water on the treated area to allow the pigment to stabilize in the dermis.
  • It is important not to pick or scratch at dry skin or flakiness after a tattoo procedure. Let the skin fall off naturally to avoid scarring and premature loss of pigment. After the flakes have fallen off, a shiny layer of healing skin will cover the hair strokes. This may make it seem like the tattoo has disappeared, but it is just new skin forming. Over the next 1-2 weeks, the hair strokes will gradually reappear at a lighter shade as the skin regenerates.
  • During the first 10 days after getting a tattoo, avoid applying any cosmetics to the tattooed area as it may affect the healing process and colour. After this period, it is safe to apply makeup to any light spots, if needed, gently.
  • Avoid using petroleum-based products like Vaseline and Neosporin during the healing process.
  • Avoid bleaching, tinting, or dyeing the tattooed area for one month after the procedure.
  • Avoid using anti-acne products or lightening creams on the treated area during the healing process to prevent any complications or irritations from occurring.
  • Avoid using anti-aging or facial products with ingredients such as AHAs, Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic Acids.
  • Avoid threading, waxing, or using hair removal products on the treated area during healing. These activities may be resumed after 4 weeks.
  • It is recommended to avoid exercising and excessive sweating for one day before and for 10 days after getting a tattoo to prevent blurring of the hair strokes and loss of detail.
  • Avoid sun exposure, swimming pools, jacuzzis, saunas, and other bodies of water for two weeks.
  • It is important to avoid getting your face wet for two weeks following the procedure.